DomiNations! Wiki
DomiNations! Wiki
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The Information Age is an officially confirmed, and, as of 9/24/20, released age that has been revealed in image captures and discussed by users on Reddit.[1] In real life, it is a part of the Digital Age, just with faster wifi. It is reached by paying 18,500,000 gold in the City Center while in the Digital Age, takes 12 citizens and 16 days 6 hours to complete. It is preceded by the Digital Age and succeeded by the Drone Age.


Historical Description[]




New Buildings[]

Building Number
G.C.I. Radar 2
Information Age Wonder 1

Information Age allows to build one the four possible Wonders: Burj Al Arab, Stadium Australia, Taipei 101 or The Hermitage Museum

More Buildings[]

Building Number increase
Anti-Tank Gun 1
Air Defense 1
Claymore 1

Buildings upgrades[]

Building Max lvl Lvl increase Max number Number increase
Barracks 13 1 3 -
Armory 13 1 1 -
Castle 10 1 1 -
Factory 15 2 2 -
Airstrip 8 1 2 -
Market 17 ? ? ?
Mill 17 ? 5 ?
Farm ? ? ? ?
Caravan ? ? ? ?
Library 15 1 1 -
University 10 1 1 -
Oil Well ? ? ? ?
Oil Refinery ? ? ? ?
Tower 15 ? ? ?
Mortar ? ? ? ?
Anti-Tank Gun 11 ? ? ?
Tank Depot ? ? ? ?
Machine Gun ? ? ? ?
Air Defense 12 ? ? ?
Bunker 8 ? ? ?
Sniper Tower ? ? ? ?
Missile Silo 11 ? ? ?
Rocket Arsenal ? ? ? ?
Caltrops ? ? ? ?
Land Mine ? ? ? ?
Ambush Trap ? ? ? ?
S.A.M. Battery ? ? ? ?
Armored Ambush Trap ? ? ? ?
G.C.I. Radar ? ? ? ?
Walls 22 ? ? ?
Gate 22 ? ? ?
Bastion 6 ? ? ?




DomiNations- Information Age Teaser


  1. Information Age confirmed boys (Reddit Discussion)