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DomiNations! Wiki

“While their shots do little at enemy buildings, these troops are experts at dealing enemy foot troops.”

The Republic Rifleman is a level 10 Korean unique Ranged Infantry unit unlocked in the Atomic Age. Its predecessor is the Liberation Infantry. This Korean unique unit replaces the Veteran SMG. It is upgraded in the level 10 armory.

General Information

  • Like all ranged infantry, the Republic Rifleman can kill enemy infantry easily and quickly. They have 4 times the damage to enemy infantry than other type of unit.
  • Republic Riflemen aren't efficient against enemy cavalry and buildings.
  • Republic Riflemen are ranged units and can destroy buildings over walls.
  • Republic Riflemen would attack the closest building on front of them but when attacked by an enemy troop; will fight back.
  • If there are enemy units nearby, Republic Riflemen would attack them.
  • As a Korean unique unit; the Republic Riflemen has 40% more damage than the standard Ranged Infantry.

Historical Description

"Korea was divided along the 38th parallel after World War II, with the Soviets and Americans backing the governments of the north and south respectively. The 1950-1953 Korean War began when North Korea invaded the south with Soviet and Chinese support. United Nations forces came to aid South Korea and launched a successful offensive into North Korean territory in September. China intervened the following month and pushed UN forces back. A stalemate ensued, and the border was re-established as the DMZ, or demilitarized zone. Despite its name, it is one of the most militarized borders on Earth, At present, the Republic of Korea (i.e. South Korea) fields the seventh largest army in the world". but north korea with bieng run by a fat man or kid is making north korea ba


They are seen wearing a Sliver uniform and helmet with a single chevron on the front, classifying them as privates. They carry a Thompson sub-machine gun.

Attacking Strategies

  • Republic Riflemen have low health; making them vulnerable to defenses. Use Heavy Infantry such as Elite Infantry as meat shields to protect the Republic Riflemen.
  • Republic Riflemen are cheap and can be used to set off hidden enemy traps.
  • Use Republic Riflemen to protect Heavy Infantry from other infantry so your Heavy Infantry won't get distracted.
  • Since Republic Riflemen can deal more damage to foot troops, bringing some along with soldiers and/or cavalry will help deal with pesky defending foot troops!
  • Make sure to keep the Republic Riflemen behind your 'meat shields' or away from danger.
  • Use the Republic Riflemen to clean up outside buildings.

Defensive Strategy

Republic Riflemen can be used as good Alliance Troops. One example is that they can shoot over walls to attack troops of the attackers forcing the troops to destroy the wall to kill them. Another thing is that they're good against other Heavy Infantry.
