DomiNations! Wiki
DomiNations! Wiki

V9.3.1 Hotfix[]

Greeting Leaders,

We're releasing a hotfix today that's addressing the following fixes:

  • Donated Troops window in Planning Day should now correctly display more than 16 troops
  • iOS users should now be able to scroll through the whole Library without it cutting off
  • Stronghold Troop Tactics should no longer overlap each other
  • Fixed ‘crash bases’ so that certain bases no longer cause a game crash when selected in War
  • Players should now be able to correctly place Fortified Strongpoint from their InventoryThis update is in the process of rolling out to Android devices now, and will start to rolling out to iOS devices shortly.

Update 5/21: The hoxfix has rolled out completely to Android users, but has not yet started on iOS. We're expecting the iOS rollout to start on Monday, 5/24! Thanks for your patience.
